Saturday 16th September 2023
10:00am - 2:00pm
Are you looking for a new hobby or interest to fill those autumn evenings? Do you have a wish to tread the boards? Or perhaps you’d like to paint the boards……or light the boards?
It could be that you would just like to have a look behind the scenes at one of your local theatres and snoop around backstage, marvel at the wardrobe department or
explore the Aladdin’s cave that is the props room.
Maybe you have a particular skill and experience in sound or lighting and would like to offer your services.
Whatever your interest, why not pop along to the Rose Theatre in Kidderminster on Saturday 16th September between 10:00am and 2:00pm?
You’ll find a warm welcome, members of the society to talk to and a free cup of tea – what’s not to like?
The Box Office will be open to purchase tickets for the coming season, details of which can be found at
Find us on Chester Rd North DY10 2RX.
September 2023